Women’s entrepreneurship and economic empowerment
Application is open for the Conference to promote women’s entrepreneurship and economic empowerment in Moldova. Out of the 100 participants, ten women entrepreneurs benefitted from voucher-type financial support earmarked for entrepreneurial development. The women will use the financial aid to develop their businesses and increase their visibility on the market, specifically by developing design, copywriting and social media services; accessing their funding and preparing their file to access support programmes; setting up product photo shoots; creating a web page; procuring production equipment; and subcontracting other services that will have a direct impact on developing their business.
The exhibition was organized within the framework of the national conference “Promoting gender equality in the workplace, on the market and in the community” hosted by UN Women Moldova in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, the European Bank for Reconstruction (EBRD), the Economic Council and signatory companies of the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), with the financial support of Sweden. The national conference was attended by 17 companies that signed the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) as well as other companies that support women’s empowerment in both the workplace and community. It also brought together government institutions, international organisations and business associations that promote women’s economic empowerment in Moldova and internationally.
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One of the participants in the exhibition and a beneficiary of the Voucher Support programme, Natalia Efros, co-founder of AlterEgo Winery, says: “The platform created and offered by UN Women is more than a fleeting opportunity; it certifies that the efforts of women entrepreneurs are being validated and heard. Moreover, this is an important signal for other women entrepreneurs who need a boost of confidence that they can succeed.”
“Expanding support for local women producers is imperative and currently a priority of UN Women, as the pandemic and economic crisis have aggravated gender inequalities, exposing vulnerabilities in social, political and economic systems that have affected women to a greater extent, especially women entrepreneurs. UN Women will continue to support women entrepreneurship through needs-tailored capacity development programmes,” said Alia El-Yassir, UN Women Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia.
Application Process
Click here to register for the Conference to promote women’s entrepreneurship and economic empowerment in Moldova.
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