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Robotex Estonia

  • Venue: Tallinn, Estonia
  • Event Provider: Robotex

Robotex is organizing a domestic competition Robotex Estonia in November. This autumn, on November 20, Robotex Eesti, a national qualification competition, will take place in Tallinn at TalTech. Due to the spread of the coronavirus, there will be no traditional international Robotex International at the end of November. The national competition is the Estonian preliminary round of Robotex International, the most successful performers of which can participate in the international competition with the competitors of other Robotex partner countries in the international competition planned for spring in Saku Suurhall.

The most popular Robotex competitions, mainly aimed at schoolchildren, will take place on November 20: various line-following and sumo competitions, as well as the successful folk race in recent years.

Robotex was started as an initiative of TalTech students and researchers 20 years ago. The students of the then technical university who participated in Robotex have become the key people of many successful companies.

European Commission Funding


  • Students, researchers.


  • Robotex is an organization based in Estonia and operating globally, supporting engineering education and uniting future talents and companies, the main output of which is the organization of the major robotics event Robotex International.
  • The most successful performers of which can participate in the international competition with the competitors of other Robotex partner countries in the international competition planned for spring in Saku Suurhall.
  • Robotex International brings together Robotex’s state-of-the-art robotics and programming competitions, which began in 2001, and a comprehensive technology exhibition. As of 2020, Robotex pre-events have taken place in nine countries around the world (China, India, Cyprus, Finland, etc.).

Application process

Fee information: N/A

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