Bilateral Relations Cross-border Cooperation

Application is open for the Fund for Bilateral Relations within the Program Good Governance and Cross-border Cooperation. The Fund for Bilateral Relations within the program Good Governance and Cross-border Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as “the Bilateral fund GGC”) was established to enhance cooperation and improve mutual knowledge and understanding between Slovakia and the Donor States – Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway in the area of transparency, good governance and accountable institutions.
All legal entities established in Slovakia or in one of the Donor States1 are eligible to apply.
Further eligibility limitations: The Programme Operators of the Programmes within the EEA and Norway Grants 2014 – 2021 are not eligible to apply.
The range of activities eligible for support under the Bilateral fund GGC is broad, including any initiatives leading to strengthening bilateral relations, enhancing cooperation, and improving mutual knowledge and understanding between Slovakia and the Donor states in the area of transparency, good governance, and accountable institutions primarily aimed at digital cooperation provided that both the beneficiary and the partner(s) are actively involved in the planning of the initiative and its implementation. The Bilateral fund GGC shall support well-balanced partnerships (bilateral or multilateral) where all parties benefit from the cooperation. Generally, the initiatives shall have a clear bilateral profile and serve the purpose of strengthening bilateral relations between Slovakia and Donor states in the Area of Support. The activities within the initiative must be accommodated in digital cooperation.
This call generally supports complex and longer-term initiatives instead of one-off activities. Taking into account principles of proportionality and the grant amount provided under this Call, complex initiatives combining various bilateral activities are expected. Welcomed are a series of cooperation activities with a particular result, including round tables or discussions that will be logically planned.
Examples of activities that can be carried out under the Bilateral fund GGC:
- virtual training and capacity building;
- virtual conferences and smaller bilateral cooperation;
- virtual workshops, meetings, visits, and seminars on topics of common interest in the above mentioned Area of Support;
- development and/or translation of information material;
- online studies with participants and/or inputs from Donor states and Slovakia;
- broadcasting of online discussions between leading Slovak, Norwegian, Icelandic, and Liechtenstein experts/professionals in the above-mentioned Area of Support;
- online lectures of leading (academic) experts/professionals from Slovakia and the Donor States on the topics within the above mentioned Area of Support;
- creating new ways of online management;
- on-line round tables between students, NGOs, representatives of minorities, or any other groups;
Funding source(s): EEA Financial Mechanism (EEA Grants) – 48,54 %, Norwegian Financial Mechanism (Norway Grants) – 51,46 %
Application process
To apply for Bilateral Relations Cross-border Cooperation: All the Grant Applications shall be prepared in English and submitted electronically at along with the following mandatory attachment:
a) Signed Partnership Statement, Letter of Intent, or other similar document proving the interest of the applicant and its partner/s to jointly implement the initiative2. A recommended template for a statement can be found in the Bilateral Fund Guide (Annex 10). The date and time of the submission of the Grant Application are identical to the date and time of its receipt by the server of the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development, and Informatization of the Slovak Republic. The Grant Application does not need to be signed. A signature shall be required prior to the conclusion of the Contract. Grant applications should be submitted as DOC or DOCX files. Other annexes should be submitted as
PDF files to prevent accidental loss of data. The Grant Application shall be received in due time prior to the scheduled start of its implementation. When drafting the schedule, applicants shall take into account that the whole evaluation may take up to 4 weeks, thus it is recommended to plan the activities not earlier than 8 weeks following the submission of the Grant Application. While aiming to be flexible, a grant application submitted later than eight weeks before the planned start of a bilateral initiative shall be rejected by the Programme Operator. Resubmission can be allowed in case the Call closure is not approaching.
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Theme | : Challenge |
Applicant Country | : WorldWide |
For more information | : Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic |