Support for enterprise development 2023
Application is open for Support for enterprise development in developing countries in 2023. The grant scheme aims to contribute to sustainable economic growth in the renewable energy sector, which is key for many developing countries. Consideration will also be given to projects in other sectors where there is an element of renewable energy.
Grants are intended to reduce risk prior to investment decisions. Grants can support feasibility studies, training of local staff, guarantee and risk premium subsidies in the long-term financing of renewable energy projects, or limited pilot funding.
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Potential grant recipients are companies registered in Norway or abroad. Applicants must document that the following criteria are met:
- The applicant must be an independent legal person. Accurate and complete information about the nature of the organisation must be provided. Please note that neither holding, investment, consulting companies, nor equipment suppliers, are eligible for support.
- The applicant must have had a turnover in the last accounting year of at least NOK 6 million from commercial activities. The applicant must present audited accounts for the last year. The criteria do not apply for off-grid renewable energy projects, provided that the applicant’s issuing of shares, having taken place within the last 12 months prior to the date of application, had a market capitalization of a minimum NOK 6 million.
- The applicant must have the necessary expertise and administrative capacity to be able to implement the project(s).
- The applicant must demonstrate good insight into the issues concerned and must have set clear, achievable objectives for the project(s).
- The applicant must confirm that there are ethical guidelines for the company. The ethical guidelines must satisfy the minimum requirements set out in the guidance for the preparation of ethical guidelines for Norad’s grant recipients.
- The applicant must confirm that it is aware of and conforms to the UN’s guiding principles on business and human rights and the OECD’s guidelines for multinational enterprises.
- The applicant must confirm that sufficient security assessments will be carried out for its own employees for stays abroad and that the necessary measures are taken for, for example, training, own guidelines, insurance, and equipment.
- The applicant must have established close ties with potential partners. Information about partners must be provided.
The grant will cover up to 50% of the incurred project development costs and the applicant shall finance the remaining 50%. The minimum grant amount will be NOK 500,000. Applications for amounts under NOK 500,000 will be rejected. Applicants applying for support to more than one project that together amount to more than NOK 500,000 will be considered.
The objectives of the relevant parts of the grant scheme are to contribute to:
- Increased access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and clean energy in ODA countries,
- Reduced emissions from the energy sector,
- Adaptation to the effects of climate change,
- Increased job creation in ODA countries.
This call for proposals is targeted toward projects in the clean energy sector. Applications for other sectors may qualify for support if linked to energy access or productive use of energy, for example for agriculture and food security.
Application Process
The grant scheme is application based. Applications are processed and approved or rejected on the basis of the guidelines and criteria set out in this call for proposals.
All application documentation must be submitted through Norad’s Grants Portal.
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