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Research Grants on Education: Small

Apply before: December 6, 2023

The Small Research Grants Program is currently accepting applications for research grants in the field of education. These grants aim to support education research projects with budgets of up to $50,000, spanning a duration of one to five years. We have three application periods throughout the year.

Unlike some other programs, ours is considered “field-initiated.” This means that we don’t specify particular research topics, disciplines, designs, methods, or locations in our request for proposals. Instead, we encourage researchers to propose projects that they believe will make a valuable contribution to the improvement of education in a broad sense.

Their primary objective is to fund research that is both rigorous and intellectually ambitious, as well as technically sound. We want to support projects that address the most pressing questions and exciting opportunities within the field of education.

Tips for Success in ChangeMakers Seed Funding Contest 2024


  • Proposals submitted to the Research Grants on Education program should focus exclusively on academic research projects aimed at investigating the field of education.
  • Activities such as program evaluations, professional development, curriculum development, scholarships, and capital projects are not eligible for funding. Furthermore, research studies unrelated to education are also not eligible.
  • To apply for a Small Research Grant on Education, Principal Investigators (PIs) and Co-PIs must hold a doctoral degree in an academic discipline or a relevant profession within the field of education.
  • While graduate students can participate in the research team, they cannot be designated as the PI or Co-PI in the proposal.
  • The PI must be affiliated with a non-profit organization or a public/governmental institution willing to serve as the administering organization if the grant is granted.
  • The Spencer Foundation does not directly award grants to individuals. Acceptable affiliations include non-profit or public universities, colleges, school districts, research facilities, and other non-profit organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) status (or an equivalent non-profit status for organizations outside the United States). Proposals from both the U.S. and international applicants are welcome, but all submissions must be in English, and budgets must be presented in U.S. Dollars.


  • The Small Research Grants on Education Program provides funding for education research projects aimed at enhancing education in a broad sense. Projects can have budgets of up to $50,000 and range from one to five years in duration.
  • Eligible researchers can also request additional funds for a course release.

Application Process

  •  We accept applications three times a year, and the application process begins with submitting a full proposal; there is no need for a letter of intent or an intent to apply form.
  • Full proposals for Small Research Grants on Education must be submitted by 12:00 pm Noon central time on the deadline date.
  • Please note that the online application is designed for the Principal Investigator (PI) to register and submit the form.
  •  If someone other than the PI will be assisting with the online application (e.g., an administrative assistant), the PI should follow the registration process outlined in Step 1 below and then share their login credentials with the person helping them with the application.
  • If you, as the PI, have never used the Spencer Foundation online portal before, you must register and create a profile by visiting https://spencer.smartsimple.us and clicking the “Register Here” button. Follow the instructions provided on the registration page to set up your profile.
  • If you already have an existing account, log in to update your profile and access the application. After logging in, follow the provided instructions to complete the information required on the My Profile page, and make sure to upload your current CV (limited to 10 pages).
  • The My Profile page serves as your online account with the Spencer Foundation, whether you are applying for a grant, reviewing a proposal, or submitting a grantee report.
  • Note: If you have Co-PIs for your project, they must also register and complete their profile information if they wish to be included in the application.
  • Step 3 – Start a Proposal: To complete the application, navigate to your Workbench and click the “Apply” button for the Small Research Grants on Education.
  • You can save your draft application to return to it later and make further edits. Once saved, you can find your draft application on your Draft Proposals list in your Workbench.

Click here to apply.

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Theme : Education Fund
Applicant Country : United States
For more information : S[ENCER FOUNDATON

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HOUNDOTE Gbètoho Izzat Patrice Chabel
HOUNDOTE Gbètoho Izzat Patrice Chabel
1 year ago

C’est une belle initiative, aidez-moi à postuler.

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