Development Cooperation Partnership Program

Development Cooperation Partnership Program in Ukraine to continue building U.S. foreign assistance partnerships with 11 partner donor governments in Central and Eastern Europe: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia. Through the DCP initiative, the United States builds partnerships with these partner donor countries by co-financing joint foreign assistance activities aimed at sharing the PDGs’ transition and EU integration experiences with Ukraine, and promoting Ukraine’s legislative, economic, social, and technological approximation to EU standards in light of recent approval of EU candidate status for Ukraine.
U.S. Embassy Kyiv’s Office of the Assistance Coordinator announces an open competition for organizations to submit applications for the tenth round of the DCP to continue building U.S. foreign assistance partnerships with 11 partner donor governments (PDGs) in Central and Eastern Europe aimed at supporting aspirations of the Ukrainian people for European integration, democratic transformation, peace, and security.
Participants and Audiences:
A typical assistance activity will likely be a joint project, implemented with one donor partner in Ukraine, for which the U.S. cost share will be no more than 50 percent. No single U.S. contribution may exceed $100,000. Multiple PDG partners may contribute to the same activities, and implementing organizations may include government entities, research institutions, and/or nongovernmental organizations. Most DCP activities will likely entail co-financing new projects. U.S. Embassy Kyiv, however, may consider other means of collaboration, such as co-financing existing U.S. or PDG assistance activities or enhancing ongoing U.S. assistance activities by facilitating the participation of PDG officials or PDG-identified experts. Selected activities should include a significant amount of content from institutions, advisors or other sources of knowledge in the PDG countries in order to meet the DCP objective of fostering the transfer of transition experience to the beneficiary country. There is no limitation on the number of proposals submitted from one organization.
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Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia. – Not-for-profit organizations, including think tanks and civil society/non-governmental organizations – Public and private educational institutions, research institutions – Public International Organizations and Governmental institutions.
Development Cooperation Partnership Program benefits are:
- Estimated Total Program Funding: $1,600,000
- Award Ceiling: $100,000
- Award Floor: $10,000
Application process
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